A Life That MattersMy biological parents gave me up for adoption when I was born and my new family was dysfunctional to say the least.  My new mother was violent and abusive and my new father was almost always drunk.  This was 'normal' for me because it's the only thing I knew growing up.  Every Christmas when the extended family gathered, all of the children would receive an envelope with money.  My envelope always had the least in it because 'you're not a blood member of the family' I was told.  Feelings of abandonment and rejection were festering in my life.  To further compound the problems, I was sexually abused by a trusted friend of the family between the ages of 11-13 which resulted in two mental breakdowns at that time.

It was very clear to me that I had no place in this world and was so angry that I had been put on planet earth. My life had no value at all.  It seemed to me that my life didn't matter.  Things went from bad to worse as I transferred from adolescence into adulthood.  By the time I was 21, I had four children and not long after that my youngest one died of SIDS.  I knew it was God's fault and He was sending me a message that my life didn't matter.  This made me so angry; I was determined to show God that He would never break me nor defeat me and I purposed in my heart that I would do everything I could to oppose Him.

Of course my life has turned around dramatically since those days and I came to discover that God wasn't my enemy but my friend.  You're going to have to listen to the audio recording below to know the rest of the story.  It's well worth the listen to understand how someone who was a sworn enemy of Heaven became an agent of the Kingdom of God.  The key was that I discovered that my life did matter, and so does yours.

You are a life that matters. God's plan is to see you walking in freedom from the inside out. Free from the hurt and pain of the past and for you to be free from the inside to enjoy your life. There is absolutely nothing He won't heal you from because you are "A life that matters"

The following audio recording goes into greater detail.

 You Are A Life That Matters


Messages on the Goodness of God

Grace and Righteousness

Grace and Righteousness

The keys to reigning in life


Part 1: What's So Amazing About Grace 1


Part 2: What's So Amazing About Grace 2


Part 3: What's So Amazing About Grace 3


Part 4: The Gift Of Righteousness


Part 5: The Gift Of Righteousness II




Recorded at Transformers Christian Church

The Power of Righteousness

The Power of Righteousness

The key to reigning in life


The Power of Righteousness - Part 1




The Power of Righteousness - Part 2





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church