
The bible says 'Without faith it's impossible to please God' (Hebrews 11:6)

Faith is the currency of Heaven because no heavenly transaction (such as healing, provision, protection, deliverance, salvation etc...) can occur without faith.  Therefore, it's of utmost importance that we get a handle on this vital issue.

Messages on Faith

Single Minded Believing

Single Minded Believing

How to eradicate double mindedness





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church

The Strength of Joy

The Strength of Joy

The power of laughing at your problems





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church

Faith Essentials

The Essentials of Faith

The currency of Heaven


Part 1: What Faith Is


Part 2: How to Release Your Faith


Part 3: The Essentials of Faith


Part 4: The Greatest Form of Faith




Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


Being Connected to the Supernatural

Being Connected to the Supernatural

Living above the circumstances of life


Part 1: The Two Realms


Part 2: What it means to be Connected to the Supernatural


Part 3: Applications of Being Connected to the Supernatural





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


The Power of the Tongue

The Power of the Tongue

There is tremendous power in the words we speak. The bible says ‘What you say can mean life or death. Those who speak with care will be rewarded’ (Prov 18:21 NCV). Think about that for a moment: what we say about ourselves and our situation will determine the direction our life goes – good or bad. This is a spiritual law; a principle that works consistently.

The entire universe was made by God to respond to faith filled words. If you read the first chapter of Genesis, you will notice how often it says that ‘God said’ and then ‘it was so’. I remember as a young Christian I would often skip reading most of the first chapter of Genesis because I felt it was so repetitive. I never stopped to consider ‘Why does God go to such lengths to show us how He set up all of creation?’ I now understand that He did this so we can see the pattern: the world responds to words – but not just any random words; the world responds to faith filled words.

Jesus demonstrated the same thing: He simply spoke to situations and they responded to His words. He spoke to the wind and the waves, He spoke to the fig tree, He spoke to deaf ears, He spoke to dead bodies, He spoke to the paralyzed and everytime He spoke, creation responded and got in line with what He said. And before you start thinking ‘Of course creation responds to God and to Jesus because they’re the Creators’, you must consider that at the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus told His disciples that they could do what they’d seen Him do (John 14:12).

The audio file below goes into much greater detail regarding this topic. There is power released when we say things and believe what we say!



The Power of the Tongue - Part 1


The Power of the Tongue - Part 2


The Power of the Tongue - Part 3




Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


Meatheads vs Airheads

Meatheads Vs Airheads

The bible says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Rom 8:6). The word carnal comes from the Spanish word carne = meat. So to be carnally minded is to be a meathead. The word spirit is from the Greek word pneuma which means breath or air. So to be spiritually minded is to be an airhead. God doesn’t want us to be meatheads; instead He wants us to be airheads. 'What’s the difference?' you ask. A whole lot. In fact, the scripture we started with says it’s the difference between life and death.

Meatheads are ruled by their circumstances. They are forever at the mercy of everyone and everything else in their life. They don’t live in victory because there’s always something that stops them from winning. They can’t get a job because they don’t have any experience, they can’t get promoted because the boss doesn’t like them, they can’t go on holidays because they don’t have the money. There’s always some situation that is the reason for their lack of advancement.

Airheads on the other hand are ruled by the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  They refuse to let circumstances rule over them. Airheads recognize that when God tells them to do something it may not make sense in their natural mind and they may not understand why but they recognize the value of obedience to the Lord. A willingness to hear and obey the voice of God regardless of the circumstances makes such a huge difference.

Meatheads live by how they feel. They’re favorite slogan is ‘If it feels good, do it!’ They are dominated by their emotions: if they’re hungry they’ll eat; if they’re tired they’ll sleep; if they’re grumpy stay out of their way! Consequently, they are enslaved to addictive behaviours. They can’t break free because they’ve allowed their feelings to become so big and real.

Airheads on the other hand live by faith; they have a solid trust in what God says. They don’t put an emphasis on what they see, hear, feel or think – their emphasis is on the promises of God. For example, they may experience an alarming symptom in their body but they refuse to panic over it but instead bring their focus onto what God has to say about healing. An approach like this brings a great sense of stability into the life of a believer. Airheads can be counted on to do what they’ve said because their word is their bond.

There is much more to be said about the differences between a meathead and an airhead. The following audio file goes into much more detail. It’s a free download.


Meatheads Vs Airheads


Meatheads Vs Airheads - Part 2



Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


Freedom From Fear

Freedom From FearSatan has many strategies but only one objective. His objective is to separate man from God by any means possible so that we don't have access to the wisdom and power we need to be overcomers. To accomplish his objective, he uses strategies such as condemnation, worry, unforgiveness, bitterness, depression, addictions, doubts etc...

One of his major strategies to separate us from God is fear. To fear means to run from as if in terror, to take flight, to run away frightened. Fear is not a feeling but it can produce feelings. Fear is a spiritual force and it can change the colour of your hair, cause you to lose your appetite or even keep you awake at night. The bible says fear involves torment (1 John 4:18). Fear is a spiritual force that can affect you emotionally, intellectually and even physically. Jesus said men's hearts would fail because of fear (Luke 21:26).

Fear is a spiritual force just like faith is a spiritual force. How do we know that faith is a spiritual force? Because Jesus said that if we had faith we could command a mulberry tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea and it would obey us (Luke 17:6). It would take a significant force to be able to do that and the force required according to Jesus is faith.

Fear is a spiritual force in the same class as the force of faith but it's a reciprocal force. Faith and Fear are reciprocal forces of one another. What's a reciprocal? A reciprocal is something that is almost identical but inverted to the original. The ends of a see-saw are reciprocals of one another; when one end goes up, the reciprocal end goes down. This is how faith and fear are related; when fear increases, faith decreases. Both ends of the see-saw can never be up or down at the same time and in the same way your faith can't be great if the level of fear in your life is high.

An example of this is when Jesus and the disciples were crossing the Sea of Gallilee and they encountered a great storm. Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat while the disciples were trying to manage keeping the vessel afloat and moving across to the other side. Finally Jesus wakes up and calms the wind and the waves and said to his disciples: 'Why are you so fearful, O you of little faith?' Notice that when you are full of fear then you have little faith (when one end of the see-saw is up, the other end is down). This is very important to understand because if we allow fear to build inside of us, we are diminishing our personal faith level. This is why many fail to receive answers to prayer; because they've allowed fear to grow within.

There is much more to say about fear and how we can be free of it. The messages below go into much more detail. Part 1 explores how fear and faith are related and how it affects the believer. Part 2 focuses on the Fear of Man and its dangers. Part 3 looks at the Fear of Failure and Part 4 ties it all together with an exploration of the Fear of Death.

 Part 1: The Force of Fear


 Part 2: The Fear of Man


 Part 3: The Fear of Failure


 Part 4: The Fear of Death


Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith

Living in the Balance of Grace and FaithLiving in the Balance of Grace and Faith

The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through faith but what exactly does this mean? What is grace and what is faith and how do they work together?

There are some that believe victory comes solely by the grace of God. They insist that God is sovereign, nothing happens without His permission and He will always have His way.

On the other hand, there are those that believe that victory only comes by faith and that unless we exercise faith we will remain defeated. They insist that faith enables us to do anything and overcome anything. So which is it - grace or faith?

There is a balance of grace and faith in the Kingdom of God but what does this look like?

Part 1 - Grace: Freedom from Self Effort


Part 2 - Grace and extremes


The Law of Faith

The Law of FaithThe Law of Faith

This is one of the most important keys I've ever received from God. If you listen to this several times and put it to work it will revolutionize your life. Joy and I have seen this revelation cause cancers to disappear, healings to manifest, finances to flow, bring jobs to the unemployed, bring promotions to those working. It works in almost any sphere of existence: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, physical, financial etc... Put it to work in your life and enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom of God today!

Voice Activated Living

voiceactivationWe live in a world where technology has made voice activation a common thing. We have apps on our smartphones that can find information for us such as the weather forecast, current time in an overseas city or even the nearest fast food outlet - simply by voice activation. Even large corporations and government departments use voice activated answering systems to filter the thousands of calls that come in every day so that they can go to the sections that can best assist the customer. And yet, in spite of our progress, these systems are low level and ineffective compared to God's Voice Activation System.

'God has a Voice Activation System?' you say. You bet He does! In fact our entire universe was designed by God to respond to faith filled words. This is a voice activated universe – and the voice activation is far more advanced and effective than what our technology could ever produce.

We can see evidence of this right through scriptures. Take the first chapter of Genesis for example. How did God create everything? He spoke. Notice He didn't wave a magic wand; He simply spoke and things happened. Now I realize that some would argue and say, 'Yeah of course things happened when God spoke – because it was God who spoke!' But we can also notice that right through the scriptures, God would call on men and women to speak and things would happen.

Elijah is an example of this. He confronted Ahab (the King of Israel in that day) and told him that there would be no more rain until he (Elijah) said so (1 Kings 17:1). And guess what happened? There was no more rain in the entire land of Israel for three and a half years until Elijah said so (1 Kings 18:41).

Jesus also demonstrated voice activation in His ministry. Think about how He did things: He simply spoke and it happened.

  • He spoke to the paralytic and he got healed (Mark 2:9-12),
  • He spoke to the leper and he got healed (Mark 1:40-41),
  • He spoke to the wind and the waves during a storm and they ceased (Mark 4:39),
  • He spoke to fig trees that had no fruit (Mark 11:14),
  • He spoke to dead bodies and they raised up (Mark 5:41),
  • He spoke to demons and they were cast out (Mark 1:25)

Now before you start to argue that Jesus can do anything because He is the Son of God, let me point out that at the end of His ministry, He told His disciples that anyone who believed in Him could also do all the things that He did and even greater things than He did if they would only believe (John 14:12).

There is much more to be said about God's Voice Activation System. The message recorded below goes into more details.


Part 1


Part 2