DevelopingASensitiveHeartDeveloping a sensitive heart toward God is one of the most valuable things we can do in all of life.

  • How beneficial do you think it would be to know the truth when buying a used car or purchasing real estate?
  • What price would you put on having the answers to the problems that your child may be experiencing at the hands of an unfair teacher or the wrong group of friends?
  • How handy do you imagine it would be to gain insight into getting that dream job or landing that promotion?

There are an innumerable number of situations where a sensitive heart toward God could really help us in our personal lives, business, work situations, families, neighbourhoods etc.

A heart that's sensitive to God is a heart that's tuned into what God thinks, feels and desires. This is the opposite of how most people live. Most people are primarily concerned about themselves; what they think, what they feel and what they want. But the more we come to realize that God loves us unconditionally and has an amazing plan for us that will lead us to a fruitful and fulfilling life, the more we will desire to cooperate with Him. A person with a sensitive heart toward God chooses to set aside their thoughts, emotions and desires in preference to God's thoughts, emotions and desires. Developing a sensitive heart toward God takes time; it's a progressive experience. It's a journey rather than a destination but there are certain tell-tale signs that reveal its development in our lives.

You can tell when someone is developing a sensitive heart toward God. For starters, they get less and less daunted by the size of the problems they face. Everyone will encounter problems, difficulties and even challenges that will seem 'impossible' to resolve. It's during the times that we face difficulties and challenges that we see what a person really believes. If we believe that God loves us then we won't be afraid or worried just because we're facing a difficulty or challenge – regardless of how big that challenge may appear. A person with a sensitive heart toward God learns to refuse to be afraid of bad news. They have confidence in God's ability to care for them (Ps 112:7-8).

There is much more to know and understand about this vital topic. The following messages bring out the points in greater detail. Listen to them several times and let the Holy Spirit give you greater understanding. Begin the journey to develop a sensitive heart toward God and experience the benefits that come from that.


The Amazing Benefits of a Sensitive Heart


The Dangers of A Hardened Heart


The Symptoms of A Hardened Heart


Developing a Sensitive Heart


Messages on the Goodness of God

Grace and Righteousness

Grace and Righteousness

The keys to reigning in life


Part 1: What's So Amazing About Grace 1


Part 2: What's So Amazing About Grace 2


Part 3: What's So Amazing About Grace 3


Part 4: The Gift Of Righteousness


Part 5: The Gift Of Righteousness II




Recorded at Transformers Christian Church

The Power of Righteousness

The Power of Righteousness

The key to reigning in life


The Power of Righteousness - Part 1




The Power of Righteousness - Part 2





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church