How To Receive A Divine Miracle

divinemiracle355x237The experience of Peter walking on the water as described in Matthew 14:22-32 reveals to us some simple truths of how to receive a miracle. These truths can be implemented by any believer to be able to receive a healing or any other miracle. Technically speaking, healing is recovery or restoration of a diseased organ or part. Healing can be natural (God has placed a certain amount of healing in every person’s body and it will automatically go into action to bring about restoration), supernatural or miraculous. Supernatural healing is when recovery occurs at an accelerated rate. If the normal recovery time is 4 days for example and you recover in 1 day or a few hours then you experienced a supernatural healing. Miraculous healing is when it occurs instantaneously.

What I’m going to share is how you can receive a supernatural or miraculous healing. In Matthew’s account, Jesus was walking on the water to get to the disciples who had been crossing a lake. It was night time and the conditions were not favourable for maritime craft. As the disciples struggled to navigate across the lake, they saw the outline of a human being on the horizon above the waterline.

Thinking it was a ghost, they cried out for fear and immediately Jesus identified Himself to them. Peter, then responded with a request: ‘If it’s really you Jesus, then command me to come to you on the water’. Jesus had no option but to reply ‘Come!’ and with this command, the first component of a divine miracle is revealed: The Word of God.

If you want to receive a divine miracle then you must receive a Word from God. It is impossible for a divine miracle to flow without a Word from God. This is seen clearly and consistently throughout scriptures.

  • The paralytic was unable to walk until he received a word from God: ‘Rise. Take up your bed…’ (Mark 2:11)
  • Peter and his business partners were unsuccessful in catching fish all night until they received a word from God: ‘Launch out into the deep and let your nets down for a catch’ (Luke 5:4)
  • Jairus received news that his daughter had died but this changed after he received a word from God: ‘Don’t be afraid, only believe and she will be made well’ (Luke 8:50)

Receiving a Word from God constitutes 98% of a miracle and so it’s crucial to receive this. If this is true (and it is) then the natural response would be: ‘How can I get a Word from God for my need?’  The bible is filled with God’s Word and there are numerous promises covering every need of mankind. If it’s healing we need then Psalm 103:2-3 is a good one ‘(2) Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: (3) Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,’ Notice that it doesn’t say He heals some of your diseases or most of your diseases; it says He heals ALL of your diseases! That’s great news! And that’s the first part of receiving a divine miracle: the Word of God.

But if we only have a Word from God, we’ll never receive a miracle (even though we’re 98% of the way there). There is more that’s required. Peter didn’t just receive a Word from God; he believed the Word of God and that is the second part of receiving a divine miracle. We must believe what God has promised us. Believing the Word makes up 1% of the miracle.

How do you know when you’re believing? There are several indicators of faith. Firstly, you know you’re believing when you can imagine yourself with the desired result. Many want a miracle but they can’t see themselves with it. If this is your experience then how can you turn it around? Take the promises of God about your situation and begin to read them over to yourself and allow yourself to imagine them coming to pass in your life. Ask yourself, ‘What would it feel like if this came to pass in my life right now?’ and then allow yourself to imagine what it would be like.  If you stay at it long enough, you will find that God's Word and your imagination will cause faith to rise in your heart.

Another couple of indicators of faith are peace and joy (Rom 15:13). In other words, you’re not anxious, fearful or fretful about what’s happening to your body. You have a confidence growing within that what God has promised is true and it will manifest in your life.

So, if you have received a Word from God and you believe the Word from God you are 99% of the way to receiving a divine miracle. But the miracle will not manifest until we have 100%. It’s like an electrical circuit; no power will flow until the circuit is complete.
The final 1% of the miracle is acting on the Word.

  1. Peter received a Word (‘Come!’).
  2. Peter believed the Word.
  3. Peter acted on the Word

There is much more to share about this topic and the audio file below goes into greater detail with examples. Download it for free and pass it on to others if it has been helpful to you.


How to receive a divine miracle



Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


Messages on the Goodness of God

Grace and Righteousness

Grace and Righteousness

The keys to reigning in life


Part 1: What's So Amazing About Grace 1


Part 2: What's So Amazing About Grace 2


Part 3: What's So Amazing About Grace 3


Part 4: The Gift Of Righteousness


Part 5: The Gift Of Righteousness II




Recorded at Transformers Christian Church

The Power of Righteousness

The Power of Righteousness

The key to reigning in life


The Power of Righteousness - Part 1




The Power of Righteousness - Part 2





Recorded at Transformers Christian Church