Meatheads Vs Airheads

The bible says to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Rom 8:6). The word carnal comes from the Spanish word carne = meat. So to be carnally minded is to be a meathead. The word spirit is from the Greek word pneuma which means breath or air. So to be spiritually minded is to be an airhead. God doesn’t want us to be meatheads; instead He wants us to be airheads. 'What’s the difference?' you ask. A whole lot. In fact, the scripture we started with says it’s the difference between life and death.

Meatheads are ruled by their circumstances. They are forever at the mercy of everyone and everything else in their life. They don’t live in victory because there’s always something that stops them from winning. They can’t get a job because they don’t have any experience, they can’t get promoted because the boss doesn’t like them, they can’t go on holidays because they don’t have the money. There’s always some situation that is the reason for their lack of advancement.

Airheads on the other hand are ruled by the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  They refuse to let circumstances rule over them. Airheads recognize that when God tells them to do something it may not make sense in their natural mind and they may not understand why but they recognize the value of obedience to the Lord. A willingness to hear and obey the voice of God regardless of the circumstances makes such a huge difference.

Meatheads live by how they feel. They’re favorite slogan is ‘If it feels good, do it!’ They are dominated by their emotions: if they’re hungry they’ll eat; if they’re tired they’ll sleep; if they’re grumpy stay out of their way! Consequently, they are enslaved to addictive behaviours. They can’t break free because they’ve allowed their feelings to become so big and real.

Airheads on the other hand live by faith; they have a solid trust in what God says. They don’t put an emphasis on what they see, hear, feel or think – their emphasis is on the promises of God. For example, they may experience an alarming symptom in their body but they refuse to panic over it but instead bring their focus onto what God has to say about healing. An approach like this brings a great sense of stability into the life of a believer. Airheads can be counted on to do what they’ve said because their word is their bond.

There is much more to be said about the differences between a meathead and an airhead. The following audio file goes into much more detail. It’s a free download.


Meatheads Vs Airheads


Meatheads Vs Airheads - Part 2



Recorded at Transformers Christian Church


Messages on the Goodness of God

Grace and Righteousness

Grace and Righteousness

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Part 1: What's So Amazing About Grace 1


Part 2: What's So Amazing About Grace 2


Part 3: What's So Amazing About Grace 3


Part 4: The Gift Of Righteousness


Part 5: The Gift Of Righteousness II




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The Power of Righteousness - Part 2





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